Do You Think Mark Fisher Listened to bloghouse?

 I have been obsessed with Mark Fisher for a year or two. My obsession is based on two categories:

1. The blogsphere and Fisher--Fisher loved to talk about blogging: a lot of people end up with book deals or acknowledgment due to their blogs--but one, as an academic, Mark didn't need a blog to gain notoriety but his blog brought him in two new markets: the laypeople and the pseudointellectual. But Mark Fisher/k-punk? He wears that like a badge of honor. Mark's message (medium) is the blog. As I am writing this--on a blog--I am reading a blog about bloghouse and you get where I'm going here. That blog also has hits such as this one. Internalized misogyny had me thinking women were more likely to have blogs, but men do love never shutting the fuck up.

2. Mark's friend: Nick Land. While other people at Cybernetic Culture Research Unit were more interested in culture criticism, Land really loves accelerationism. Here's a tone down article written by Land on a short introduction on accelerationism. Because of Fisher's and Land's somewhat postmarxist roots and anti-capitalist attitudes, many still believe that this thing we call accelerationism is a leftist ideal, but in reality, Land has unraveled into a NRx or Dark Enlightenment movement is now led by Land (and you thought Peterson and his IDW friends were bad) in a quest to overthrow democracy...and bring back monarchism? Regardless, his accelerationism concept has inspired people like Dylan Roof, El Paso Texas's shooter, and the Attomen, and the neo-nazi terrorist group Attomwaffen Division--the latter has gotten Land's endorsment. 

Ok, so, this still is a music post. We just also include context, culture, and technology. Now, we saw the power of blogs--mostly men--and its darkside. So, what on earth is bloghouse?!

bloghouse as put by cheriƩ--2000s electroclash*, which makes sense the bands listed on the spotify playlist that the algorithm chose for me are some of my favorite ones, like LCD Soundsystem, Simian Mobile Disco, Crystal Castles**, siriousmo, justice...etc etc.

But as defined by our friend above, he would say
I feel like as a general rule, if BIG STEREO or MISSING TOOF blogged about you in 2006 or the first half of 2007, you are a blog house band whether you like it or not

 It's not only about the music--it never is--it is also about the aesthetic. If you want to read more about it by someone who actually grew up during that time, check this out by paper magazine but TLDR: basically, a mix of alt-punk with electronic music and a lot of skater dresses.

Now, to Mark Fisher, and would he listen to bloghouse? So, opening my copy of K-Punk, I look at the index, and he too likes writing about music--some nice things to say about Kate Bush, ok, and then I look at the page number for Sixousee and the Banshees, and instead I'm greeted by Fisher's declaration that passion of the christ was not anti-semitic, and that is just to much too unpack here. So, far, I haven't found much  to indicate so or the discussion of said phenomena. 

Fisher did apply the concept of hauntology onto music, which is seen in the aesthetics of probably my most beloved band--Broadcast. Hauntology is a nostalgia in our cultural--longing of the past aesthetics. It contributed to the spawning of chillwave and neo-psychedelia.

The only thing I can say to the question of this blog post, is that, well possibly. Hauntology and bloghouse share the longing for past aesthetics, often in eerie ways. 

*I personally think electroclash as a mix of punk and electronic music, v high energy.

**I'd like to acknowledge the treatment Alice received from Ethan by Crystal Castles, and it was unacceptable. I try to keep in mind everytime.


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