Cataloguing the Vinyl: 1. SECRET SWINGERS by Versus

    In a wasted Sunday of depression, I decided to make it so my vinyls are not leaning like the leaning tower of pisa, and I realized I had no categorized the ol' records. I want to become a better crate digger and not get ripped off; the fellas at the shop are not ripping me off, but I won't have much money for too soon. Reminds me--should hit up the old discogs to log this...especially if I hate it.

    While, I am not planning to go song by song, I love the title "Lose that Dress" as it reminds me of lyrics from Star's "One More Night."

This albums kinda crosses over between a very indie soft rock, and other songs hit you with the perfect arrangement of indie rock guitar chords like "Shower Song", which has some great punk foundations.
I'll be the heroine and you can just be you I want you to take a shower, Come on baby fight the power

Side 2 has more of the power songs, while Side 1 is more melodic; Side 2 "sound" is more appealing to me, but I think the soft side in me loved the sweetness of love, especially if sang by Fountaine Tops. Not an album I'd put the entirety on play always, but maybe on occasions. "Double Suicide" and "Yeah You" are things I'd throw on a playlist.

    In my current mood, "Ghost Story" is the one I will be listening on repeat for a while. For best lyrics? "Glitter of Love"

You look real to me, You're Jennifer Jason Leigh, but you're taller than me, and you're carrying a gun, you look like so much fun, yeah I'm really stuck on you, and that's more than the truth Give me the chance to prove my star-crossed love


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