No Disco by Normal Person review

In 2023, I promised myself I'd listen to newer music as I feel like I don't do it enough, especially within my community, and let us see how much I can be held accountable for this new years...uhhhhhhh what's the word--resolution? 


Anyway, I got intrigued and sucked into the album No Disco by Normal Person—whose bandcamp says I am normal person over and over again—and this album is really fun. It's both familiar, but also a revival I have been waiting for...I have been in a post-punk/synth/punk mood lately, and this EP has that sound. From "Cruise Control" to "Happy?" and "Thought Robotic" this album brings up feelings of both nihilism, technology, and heartbreak that transport me back to late 70s in England while also placing me in the present Pacific Northwest. Perhaps not the most unique sound, but it is solid, and really worth an entire listen, maybe more than once.

My favorite has to be "Thought Robotic"

You can listen here/purchase here



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